Главный офис
129090, Москва,
ул. Большая Спасская, дом 12
м. «Комсомольская»,
м. «Сухаревская», м. «Красные
Посмотреть на карте
Эл. почта: moscow@nordicschool.ru
Время работы:
пн-чт: с 11:00 до 20:00
пт: с 11:00 до 19:00
сб: с 12:00 до 15:00
Высшее образование в Швеции
Зачем учиться в Швеции? Вот несколько причин, почему Вы выбираете Швецию!
Инновационные технологии и креативность
Швеция – безопасная и современная страна в Северной Европе, завоевавшая отличную репутацию как новатор и обладатель огромного творческого потенциала. Об этом могут свидетельствовать знаменитые шведские торговые марки, такие как Вольво, Икеа, Эрикссон, H&M и Сааб; дополнением им служат «культурные» бренды: Бергман, Абба, Астрид Линдгрен, Борг, Стриндберг и Гарбо.
Высокие стандарты образования
Швеция славится своей выдающейся историей образования, своими старинными университетами, которые берут свое начало в 15 веке. Еще одним бесспорным доказательством высоких стандартов служит тот факт, что Швеция является «домом» Нобелевской премии, самой известной научной премии Мира. Сегодня репутация Швеции как новатора основана на тесном сотрудничестве между промышленностью и образованием. Шведские университеты знамениты своими научными исследованиями и независимым мышлением, что подтверждается контролем качества и государственной сертификацией. Швеция предлагает одни из самых интересных образовательных программ в Европе с целью поддержания конкурентного превосходства.
Возможность выбора
Шведские университеты предлагают более 200 магистерских программ: от юридических программ до программ по машиностроению. Программы построены в соответствии с требованиями студентов: строгое ориентирование на результат, неформальные отношения между студентами и преподавателями, которые высоко ценят критическое мышление и инициативность учащихся.
Обучение на английском языке
Практически все шведы свободно говорят на английском языке. Некоторые шведские компании используют английский язык, как официальный рабочий язык. Что касается обучения, то на магистерских и постдипломных программахпреподавание ведется на английском языке. Образование преподносится в виде специальных курсов, что во многом напоминает обучение по специальности на российских факультетах. Однако в Швеции образование более узко специализированно.
Учебный год в университете состоит из 2 семестров: осенний и весенний. Осенний начинается в конце августа и заканчивается в середине января. Весенний начинается в
В Швеции также существует система «credit points» (кредитная единица). 1 кр. ед. равна 1 недели обучения в университете (1 семестр — 20 кр.ед.). Эта система введена для подсчетов пройденных студентом часов обучения.
Обучение в университете проходит в форме лекций, семинаров, дискуссионных собраний. Экзамены — в форме написания самостоятельных работ или работ в аудиториях. Существуют также экзаменационные семинары. Конкурс на поступление существует, т.к. число мест на каждой программе или курсе ограниченное. При рассмотрении заявок на поступление учитывается предыдущее образование и опыт работы.
Вы также можете получить информацию об образовании в Швеции на следующих ресурсах:
В настоящее время Университеты Швеции предлагают следующие бакалаврские программы на английском языке:
Electrical Engineering with Emphasis on Telecommunication;
Literature, Culture, and Digital Media
Dalarna University:
English Language, Literature, and Culture;
International Business Marketing;
International Tourism Management
IT University of Göteborg:
Software Engineering and Management
Jönköping International Business School:
Business and IT Management;
International Economics and Policy;
International Management
Lund University:
Development Studies
Malmö University College:
English Studies; Human Rights;
International Migration and Ethnic Relations;
International Programme for European Studies;
International Relations; Peace and Conflict Studies
Mid Sweden University:
Biology; Computer Engineering; Ecotechnology; Electronics
International Business Management; Analytical Finance
Business and Economics
Umeå University:
International Business; Chemistry; Molecular Biology
University of Borås:
Industrial Engineering – Industrial Business Engineering
Växjö University:
Marketing; International Sales and Marketing
Магистерские программы в Швеции
В Швеции существует более 600 магистерских программ на английском языке.
Они делятся на несколько блоков:
* * *
Accounting and Auditing
Accounting and Management Control
Accounting, Auditing and Analysis
African Literature and Postcolonial Studies
African Studies
Agricultural Economics and Management
Applied Cultural Analysis
Applied Statistics
Applied Textile Management
Asian Studies
Banking and Finance
Business Administration
Business Administration—Strategy and Management in
International Organizations
Business Administration, Marketing and Management
Business and Economics
Business Creation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedicine
Business Design
Business Development and Internationalisation
Business Meetings Management
Business Process and Supply Chain Management
Corporate and Financial Management
Development Studies
Ecological Economics—Studies in Sustainable Development
Economic Demography
Economic Growth, Innovation and Spatial Dynamics
Economic History
Economic Research Methods
Economics and Econometrics
Economics and Finance
Economics and Management of Entertainment and Arts
Economics of Innovation and Growth
Electronic Government
Environmental Communication and Management
Environmental Economics and Management
Environmental Pollution and Risk Assessment
E-services in the Network Society
European Affairs
European Law
European Political Sociology
European Spatial Planning and Regional Development
European Studies
European Tourism Management
Executive MBA
Film Ethnography
Financial Engineering
Financial Mathematics
Financial Mathematics and Finance
Gender Studies
General Management
Global Media Studies
Global Studies
Growth through Innovation and International Marketing
Human Geography
Human Rights
Human Rights Practice (Erasmus Mundus)
Industrial Management
Information Technology and Management
Innovation and Business Creation
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business Development
Intellectual Capital Management
Interactive Media Design
International and European Relations
International Business
International Business and Entrepreneurship
International Business and Trade
International Commercial Arbitration Law
International Communication
International Development and Management
International Economics with a focus on China
International Human Rights Law
International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
International Management
International Marketing
International Marketing and Brand Management
International Migration and Ethnic Relations
International Museum Studies
International Project Management
International Relations
International Strategic Management
Internet MBA
Journalism, Media and Democracy
Law and IT
Leadership and Management in International Context
Logistics and Innovation Management
Logistics and Transport Management
Management of Innovation and Business Development
Management Research
Managing People, Knowledge and Change
Maritime Law
Marketing and Consumption
Marketing, Management and Society
Media and Communication Studies
Media Management
Media, Communication and Cultural Analysis
Nordic studies
Peace and Conflict Studies
Political Science
Politics and International Studies
Project Management and Operational Development
Public Information Systems
Service Science
Social Anthropology
Social Sciences: Statistics
Social Sciences: Media and Communication
Social Work
Social Work and Human Rights
Spatial Planning and Development
Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability
Strategic Management and Leadership
Strategic Project Management (Erasmus Mundus)
Technical Project- and Business Management
Tourism and Hospitality Management
Tourism Destination Development
Welfare Policies and Management
2. Fine Arts
Art in the Public Realm
Ceramics and Glass
Experience Design
Fashion and Textile Design
Fashion Management
Formgiving Intelligence
Jewellery + Corpus
Music Performance
Music, Composition
Music, Improvisation
Music, Interpretation
Music, Symphonic Orchestra
Music, Theory
Nordic Master in Folk Music
Nordic Master in Jazz
Textiles in the Expanded Field
Caring Science
Global Health
International Health
International Health (Erasmus Mundus)
Medical Biosciences
Medical Education
Medical Nuclide Techniques
Methods in Medical Diagnostics
Molecular Medical Biology
Public Health
4. Humanities
Adult Learning and Global Change
Applied Ethics (Erasmus Mundus)
Cinema Studies
Consistencies and Contradictions. Early Modern Northern
Europe 1450–1850
Cultural Anthropology
English with Specialisation in Irish Literature
English with Specialisation in Linguistics
English with Specialisation in Literature in English
Gender Studies
International Humanitarian Action
Language and Culture
Language and Linguistics
Language Sciences with Specialization in English
Library and Information Science, Digital Library and
Information Services
Outdoor Environmental Education and Outdoor Life
Religious Roots of Europe
Roads to Democracy
World Englishes: Literatures and Linguistics
5. Interdisciplinary Studies
Child Studies
Cognitive Science
Cognitive Systems
Dynamics of Health and Welfare (Phoenix Erasmus Mundus)
Environmental Analysis and Management
Environmental Management and Policy
Environmental Protection and Physical Planning
Environmental Science, Communication and Decision making
Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management (MESPOM)
Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science (LUMES)
Fashion Studies
Global Ecosystems and Health
Global Studies
Globalization, Environment and Social Change
Health and Society
Human Ecology: Culture, Power, and Sustainability
Industrial Engineering and Management
Integrated Water Resource Management
Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy (ME3) (Erasmus Mundus)
Nordic Master in Maritime Management
Public Health
Rural Development and Natural Resource Management
Society, Science and Technology
Strategic IT Management
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Enterprising
Sustainable Product-Service System Innovation
Sustainable Water Management
Urban and Regional Planning
6. Natural Sciences
Animal Breeding and Genetics (Erasmus Mundus)
Animal Science
Applied Ethology and Animal Biology
Applied Mathematics
Atmospheric Science
Atmospheric Sciences and Biogeochemical Cycles
Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography and Climate
Biodiversity and Conservation
Biology, Animal Ecology
Biology, Aquatic Ecology
Biology, Chemical Ecology
Biology, Marine Biology
Biology, Molecular Ecology
Biology, Plant Ecology
Biology, Theoretical Ecology
Biomedical Genomics
Chemistry and Bioscience
Complex Adaptive Systems
Computational Physics
Computational Science and Engineering
Earth Science
Ecological Management of Catchments in Europe
Ecology and the Environment
Ecosystems, Governance and Globalisation
Environmental Science
Evolutionary Biology
Experimental Plant Biology
Forests as Natural Resource
Fundamental Physics
Glaciology and Polar Environments
Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Water Resources
Infection Biology
Infection Biology
Infectious Disease Control
Landscape Analysis with Remote Sensing, GIS and Cartography
Management of Fish and Wildlife Population
Marine Biology
Marine Geoscience
Marine Sciences
Materials Chemistry
Materials Science
Mathematical Sciences
Mathematical Statistics
Mathematics: Financial Mathematics
Mathematics: Mathematical Statistics
Mathematics: Pure Mathematics
Medicinal Chemistry
Modern Physics
Molecular Biology
Molecular Biology, Microbiology
Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
Molecular Biophysics
Molecular Ecology
Molecular Genetics and Physiology
Molecular Life Sciences
Neurochemistry with Molecular Neurobiology
Organic Chemistry
Organizing Molecular Matter
Peptide- and Protein Chemistry
Physical Geography and Ecosystem Analysis
Physics of Materials and Biological Systems
Physics: Astronomy and Space Physics
Physics: Geophysics
Physics: Meteorology
Plant and Forest Biotechnology
Plant Biology
Protein Science
Quaternary Science and Climate Development
Radio and Space Science
Science for Sustainable Development; Climate,
Energy and Recycling
Science for Sustainable Development; Water and Food Security
Soil and Water Management
Sustainable Forest and Nature Management (Erasmus Mundus)
Swedish School of Environmental Chemistry (SSEC)
Synchrotron Radiation Based Science
Systems Biology
Theoretical Physics
Advanced Computer Graphics
Advanced Engineering Materials
Advanced Material Science and Engineering (Erasmus Mundus)
Advanced Product Design
Aerospace Engineering
Applied Biotechnology
Applied Environmental Science
Applied Mathematics
Applied Mechanics
Applied Physics
Architectural Lighting Design
Architecture and Engineering
Automotive Engineering
Automotive Industrial Design Engineering
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Biomedical Engineering
Building Environment Modelling—CFD, Measurement Techniques and Visualisation
Chemical Engineering
Chemical Science and Engineering
Civil Engineering—Wood Building Technology
Communication Electronics
Communication Engineering
Communication Systems
Complex Adaptive Systems
Computational and Systems Biology
Computational Science
Computer and Systems Sciences
Computer Engineering
Computer Networks
Computer Science
Computer Science—Applied Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science: Algorithms, Languages and Logic
Computer Systems
Computer Systems Engineering
Design and Construction Project Management
Design and Implementation of IT Products and Systems
Design for Sustainable Development
Digital Curation
Ecotechnology and Sustainable Development
Electric Power Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering—Control of Dynamic Systems
Electrical Engineering, Specialization in Signal Processing and Wave Propagation
Electronic Commerce
Electronics Design
Embedded and Intelligent Systems
Embedded Systems
Energy and Environmental Engineering
Energy Optimization for Buildings
Energy Systems
Engineering and Management of Information Systems
Engineering Biology
Engineering Mathematics and Computational Science
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Physics
Environmental and Process Technology
Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure
Environmental Measurements and Assessments
European Forestry
European Masters on Software Engineering (EMSE) (Erasmus Mundus)
Farm Building
Food Technology and Nutrition
Game Artificial Intelligence
Game Design
Geo and Water Engineering
Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Geographical Information Systems
Geo-information Science and Earth Observation for Environ-mental Modelling and Management (Erasmus Mundus)
Human-Computer Interaction
Industrial Biotechnology
Industrial Design Engineering
Industrial Ecology—For a Sustainable Society
Industrial Informatics
Industrial Management (IMIM) (Erasmus Mundus)
Information and Communication Systems Security
Information Engineering
Information Fusion
Information Security
Information Systems
Information Technology
Infrastructure Engineering
Innovative and Sustainable Chemical Engineering
Innovative Sustainable Energy Engineering
Integrated Electronic Systems Design
Intelligent Embedded Systems
Intelligent Software Systems
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Design
Intelligent Transport Systems
Interaction Design
Interactive Systems Engineering
Interior Architecture
IT Management
Land Management
Life Cycle Management of Industrial Assets
Logistics Management
Management and Economics of Innovation
Management of Innovation and Product Development
Manufacturing Management
Materials and Nanotechnology
Materials and Sensor System for Environmental Technologies (Erasmus Mundus)
Materials Physics and Nanotechnology
Materials Science and Engineering
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation
Mathematical Statistics
Mathematics and Modelling
Mathematics: Applied Logic
Mathematics: Applied Mathematics
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering with Emphasis on Structural Mechanics
Medical Imaging
Microelectronics and Photonics
Mobile Systems
Nanoscale Science and Technology
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Erasmus Mundus)
Naval Architecture
Network Services and Systems
Networks and Distributed Systems
Nuclear Energy Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics (FUSION-EP) (Erasmus Mundus)
Organic Electronics
Photonics (Erasmus Mundus)
Plant and Forest Biotechnology
Process and Resource Optimization
Product and Process Development—Production and
Logistics Management
Product Development
Product Development and Materials Engineering
Production Development and Management
Production Engineering
Production Engineering and Management
Pulp and Paper Engineering
Quality and Environmental Management
Quality and Operations Management
Real Estate Management
Robotics and Control
Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Scientific Computing
Secure and Dependable Computer Systems
Security and Mobile Computing (NordSecMob) (Erasmus Mundus)
Security Engineering
Simulation of Manufacturing Processes
Software Engineering
Software Engineering and Management
Software Engineering and Technology
Software Engineering of Distributed Systems
Software Technology
Solar Energy Engineering
Solid and Fluid Mechanics
Sound and Vibration
SpaceMaster—Joint European Master in Space Science and Technology (Erasmus Mundus)
Spatial Planning
Statistics, Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery
Structural Engineering and Building Performance Design
Supply Chain Management
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Energy Engineering
Sustainable Energy Systems
Sustainable Engineering
Sustainable IT
Sustainable Technology
Sustainable Urban Design
System on Chip
System on Chip Design
Systems, Control and Mechatronics
Systems, Control and Robotics
Textile Technology
Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modeling
Transport Systems
Transportation Design
Urban Landscape Dynamics
Urban Planning and Design
Water Resources Engineering
Water System Technology
Wireless and Photonics Engineering
Wireless Communication
Wireless Networks and Electronics
Wireless Systems
129090, Москва,
ул. Большая Спасская, дом 12
м. «Комсомольская», м. «Сухаревская», м. «Красные ворота» .
Тел.: (495) 626-46-00,
Эл. почта: moscow@nordicschool.ru
Время работы:
пн-чт: с 11:00 до 20:00
пт: с 11:00 до 19:00
сб: с 12:00 до 15:00
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